Interestingly, Azure supports FQDN out of the box without having to set up our own DNS record. This article setting up a custom host name for GCP VM. I tried to get a FQDN for the GCP VM, but later realized that it is not supported out of the box. The SSH config file will then have to be updated every time the external IP is changed. The external IP assigned to GCP VM is ephemeral, so we get a new external IP upon restarting the VM.

RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:nThbg6kXUpJWGl7E1IGOCspRomTxdCARLviKw6E5SY8.Īre you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/)? **yes** The authenticity of host ' (' can't be established. The only hangup you may have is, the first time you try ssh in vscode it will say, "host cannot be identified" The way to fix this is to simply do a git clone from a git bash command line outside of vscode so you can type "yes" to when it asks you if it's ok to add GitHub's SSH key fingerprint. In order to get the SSH address when you click the green "Clone or Download" button on a GitHub repo you must also click "Clone with SSH" in the box that pops up so you copy the SSH address instead of using the HTTPS link. Just Crtl+Shift+P to open vscode's Command Pallet, select git: clone, paste the SSH address of GitHub repo you want. Then you can just use vscode like you would with a regular HTTP connection. This is where you have to enter your public key by opening the "id_rsa.pub" file and then copying its contents into your GitHub account by clicking "New SSH key": ssh" folder.Īfter that, you must go to the settings in your GitHub account online and look for the "SSH and GPG Keys" option in the menu on the left: I'm assuming you already have Git for Windows installed and have generated the ssh keys located in your user's ".